Immediately after routine business, the Legislative Assembly comes to the main business of the day. The government, through the ​Government House Leader​, may call for debate on any of the following items if they appear on the Orders of the Day:
- Throne Speech Debate
- Budget Debate, including the Committee of Supply
- Public Bills (and what stage they are in):
- Second Reading
- Committee Stage of Bills
- Report Stage of Bills
- Third Reading
- Motions on Notice
- Adjourned Debates on Motions
- Public Bills in the Hands of Private Members
- Private Bills
Most of these items are government business. The government determines what items will be called for debate and in what sequence they will be considered, with the exception being Monday morning (which is Private Members' Time). The government may determine that only some items will actually be debated and that the rest will be deferred. If deferred items are not considered before the session ends, they “die on the order paper,” which means that they must be reintroduced during another session.