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Legislative Broadcasting and Webcasting

Hansard Broadcasting Services televises and webcasts the proceedings of the Legislative Assembly and Parliamentary Committees. Podcasts of selected events are also available.

Some Closed Captions are generated by an AI language model to make televised and streamed proceedings more accessible. While efforts have been made to ensure the quality of all Closed Captions, there may be errors or inaccuracies. For the complete transcripts of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia please refer to the Debates pages for the Official Report.

American Sign Language interpretation is televised and streamed as part of Routine Business (including Question Period) during each sitting day when the House is in session and can be viewed as an ASL focused webcast on this page. Routine Business occurs between the following times:

Monday                1:30pm until Orders of the Day are called

Tuesday                10:00am until Orders of the Day are called

Wednesday          1:30pm until Order of the Day are called

Thursday              10:00am until Orders of the Day are called


If you encounter problems viewing the Webcast, please email for further assistance.

Television Broadcasting

Assembly Broadcasts

Proceedings from the Chamber are broadcast live, without interruption, from the start of each sitting until adjournment. A repeat broadcast of the day's Oral Question Period airs at 7 p.m.

During debate on ministry estimates, a second section of the Committee of Supply may be established to hold debates concurrently with the House. These proceedings are recorded and rebroadcast in the evening as the proceedings of Committee A.

Occasionally, the Assembly will activate a third venue, Committee C, which is rebroadcast on weekends.

Parliamentary Committees Broadcasts

The audio of Parliamentary Committee meetings is also broadcast over the Legislative television channel. Please refer to the weekly broadcast schedule above for a listing of upcoming live and pre-recorded Parliamentary Committee broadcasts.

Webcasting Services

Live Streaming

The proceedings of the House and Parliamentary Committees are streamed live over the Internet, beginning shortly before their scheduled start times. The start time of proceedings in Committee A (and Committee C, when applicable) varies from day to day. Links to the webcasts for these meetings are posted approximately 15 minutes before the anticipated start time of the event.

Archived Webcasts

All House and Parliamentary Committee meetings that are streamed live are archived and available for playback on demand approximately 15 minutes after the event concludes. Archived House webcasts can be found on the Debates pages. Archived Parliamentary Committee webcasts are available through the Previous Committees page.


Hansard Broadcasting Services provides audio podcasts of the daily oral question period. Question Period podcasts can be accessed using: 

​Contact Hansard

If you have questions or comments about information on this page, please contact Hansard Services at 250-387-3681 or by email at