The Confederation Garden Park is located west of the Parliament Buildings across Menzies Street in a plaza featuring a natural stone wall with the shields of the provinces and territories of Canada. It was created in 1967 to recognize the 100 year anniversary of Canada's Confederation.
A large three tiered fountain decorates the centre of the park, and nearby, a 2.4 metre (8 feet) long time capsule was placed beneath a one tonne concrete lid on December 31, 1967. The capsule contains newspapers, magazines, records, and film messages documenting the centennial year. It also holds messages from leading officials of the time to the citizens of B.C. in 2067, when the capsule is scheduled to be opened.
In November 2023, Confederation Garden Park was retrofitted with new colour-changing LED lights providing enhanced lighting options with the use of less electricity. The ambiance of this iconic space has been transformed, creating a captivating and contemporary experience for visitors. These modern lights have become a defining feature, enhancing the park's aesthetics and providing versatility for a seamless transition between customizable colours for various events and celebrations.