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Parliamentary Business


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Sessional Overview

The sessional overview contains parliamentary publications including bills, Orders of the Day, Votes and Proceedings, Hansard debate transcripts, the Speech from the Throne, Budget Speech and useful tables for following legislation.

Parliamentary Calendar

The parliamentary calendar outlines the sitting dates for a calendar year including key events such as the Speech from the Throne and Budget Day.

Broadcasting and Webcasting

​​Hansard Broadcasting Services televises and webcasts the proceedings of the Legislative Assembly and Parliamentary Committees.

Hansard Indexes

Indexes are alphabetical lists of words or phrases with links to where those references are in the transcripts.

Parliamentary Committees

Parliamentary committees are appointed by the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia to undertake business on behalf of the Assembly.

Public Consultations

A parliamentary committee may seek public input on topics, issues or policy questions outlined in its Terms of Reference. Discover how to provide input on current consultations.

Bills and Legislation

Bills for current and previous sessions in their first reading, amended and third reading forms.


Full transcripts of the Speech from the Throne and the Budget Speech, as delivered in the Legislative Assembly.

Parliamentary Procedure

Parliamentary procedure at the Legislative Assembly is based on constitutional and statutory provisions, the Standing Orders, established practices, and Speakers' rulings. This section includes the Standing Orders, the online version of Parliamentary Practice in British Columbia (Fifth Edition) and information on preparing petitions and private bills.


Access to the Journals of the Legislative Assembly from 1851 to present. Compiled from the Votes and Proceedings, the Journals are the official, permanent record of the proceedings of the Legislative Assembly.