The Speaker’s Corridor is located on the second floor of the Parliament Buildings just behind the Legislative Chamber, and as the name would imply, it’s where the Speaker’s office is located. Yet this isn’t the only significant feature in this long, carpeted hallway. When MLAs travel back and forth from their offices to the Chamber, they must pass through the Speaker’s Corridor, where the members of the Press Gallery will often be waiting to interview MLAs about the issues and bills debated in the Assembly. This gathering of the press is referred to as a "press scrum," as numerous journalists will move around a Member in an attempt to interview them as they enter or exit the Chamber.
Another aspect of the corridor is its furnishings. Stained glass windows line one side of the wall while ornate lamps descend from the ceiling. The Clerk of the Legislative Assembly's office is also located along the Speaker's Corridor, as is the entryway to the Legislative Library.