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Legislative Library of British Columbia

Contact Us:​ 250-387-6510 or

The primary purpose of the Library is to provide information and research services to the Members of the Legislative Assembly, their staff, Assembly staff, statutory offices, and provincial government researchers. Research services are also available to members of the public, although the needs of our primary users will take priority.

The Library does not provide legal advice or undertake legal research. The Legislative Library operates under the statutory authority of the Legislative Library Act, RSBC 1996, c. 260


What's Available at the Library

Our core collection consists of works on political science, parliamentary procedure, public administration, elections, economics, health, education, the environment, history, and other topics of interest to BC policy makers. Our resources also include:​

  • Legislation - current and historical
  • Provincial and federal government publications
  • Newspapers - local, national, and international
  • MLA files - information and clippings on current and historical MLAs
  • Statistical information - demographic profiles, employment figures, etc.
  • Bestsellers – recreational and professional development reading  
  • Ebooks - viewable on your iPad or other devices
  • Access to various databases and online tools
  • B.C. Government Publications Search Portal - the Legislative Library of British Columbia's collection of digital British Columbia government publications
  • Current awareness products - media-monitoring tools and services
  • Resources to assist with constituent requests

Search our catalogue to locate items, or contact the reference desk for more information on our collection and services.

The Library also publishes fact-checked political information. To view these documents, please visit the Library Publications and Collections page.

Services for MLAs and Other Primary Clientele

Library staff can help you with in-depth inquiries or requests for quick facts, statistics, and articles. We have resources available to assist with constituent requests and several media-monitoring products to support current awareness. All requests are confidential and all library staff are non-partisan.

Preservation and Archiving

The Library also offers MLAs the opportunity to store and preserve their constituency non-financial records as well as their personal papers. To learn more about this unique service, please check our frequently asked questions related to Transferring Constituency Records to the Legislative Library of British Columbia.



MLAs, Assembly staff, and BC Public Service employees can get a library card and borrow material. The loan period is 6 weeks for most borrowers or 6 months for MLAs. Library staff can mail items to your office. We can also send photocopies or PDF scans (within the limit provided under copyright law). Purchase suggestions for the collection are welcome. Contact the Library for a borrower application form!

Members of the public cannot borrow items or get a library card, but may visit the Library to view or photocopy materials in person.



The Library was founded in 1863 to serve the Colonial Legislature of Vancouver Island and subsequently the Province of British Columbia when it became a province of Canada in 1871. During its early years, the Library assumed responsibility for archival and provincial public library service, and, therefore, was often referred to as the Provincial Library. With the development of other larger library institutions, the Legislative Library re-focused its services on the primary legislative clientele. For more information please visit the Library History page


Library Hours

8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., or until adjournment          
Monday to Friday (closed holidays)

Note that when the Legislature is sitting the Library is only open to Members of the Legislative Assembly and Assembly staff. Before coming to use the Library it is best to call (250-387-6510) to ensure that we are open.

Contact Us

Legislative Library of British Columbia
Parliament Buildings
Victoria, B.C., Canada
V8V 1X4

Phone: 250-387-6510
Fax: 250-356-1373