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Discover Your Legislature

Discover Your Legislature is an informational resource designed to help all British Columbians learn more about the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia.

Discover Your Legislature is divided into four sections that cover the main aspects of the Legislative Assembly. They are Purpose, People, Place, and History. Each of these sections provides an introduction to its related topics and then a detailed overview of relevant subjects and events related to the Legislative Assembly. To illustrate these different topics, Discover Your Legislature is filled with photographs, video clips, and details that describe the history, design, and role of parliamentary democracy in British Columbia.

The Legislative Assembly and its parliamentary practices are always evolving to better meet the needs of British Columbians. Likewise, Discover Your Legislature will continue to evolve. This ensures that educational information on the Legislative Assembly remains accessible and up to date for all.

The Parliament Buildings and surrounding areas are located on the traditional territories of the Lekwungen (pronounced Le-KWUNG-en) people. Now known as the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations, these Coast Salish peoples have a rich culture and history dating back thousands of years.

For B.C. educators, a curriculum guide for Discover Your Legislature can be accessed here [PDF]. If you have any questions, comments, or feedback regarding Discover Your Legislature, please contact the Parliamentary Education Office at


The Legislative Assembly is central to democratic governance in B.C. Learn about what it does and how it works.


The Legislative Assembly is made up of many people. Learn about the work they do and the roles they play.


The Parliament Buildings in Victoria are a world famous landmark. Take a virtual tour of the buildings, and learn about their design, history and use.


Learn about the significant historical, political and social events in B.C. and how they relate to the Legislative Assembly.