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Guidelines for Use of Hansard Videos and Transcripts

Guidelines for Use of Hansard Videos

The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia grants permission to replay the webcast video of the proceedings of the Legislature for use in schools and for other purposes such as private study, research, criticism, review or newspaper summary. Television and radio broadcasters may make use of excerpts of the webcast video in their news or public affairs programs for the purpose of fair and accurate reports of proceedings. Program material may not be purposefully distorted or used for political party advertising, election campaigns or any other politically partisan activity. Any other commercial use or rebroadcast of the webcast video requires the express written approval of the Speaker.

Guidelines for Use of Hansard Transcripts

The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia grants permission to reprint excerpts of the Hansard report for purposes such as educational use, private study, research, criticism, review or newspaper summary. News providers may make use of excerpts of the transcripts in their publications for the purpose of fair and accurate reports of proceedings. Excerpts may not be purposefully distorted or used for political party advertising, election campaigns or any other politically partisan activity. Any other commercial use or repurposing of the transcripts require the express written approval of the Speaker.

If a transcript is denoted Blues, it is a DRAFT TRANSCRIPT ONLY. Public attribution outside the legislative precincts is not protected by parliamentary privilege and could entail liability.

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