As an independent officer of the Legislature, the Ombudsperson investigates complaints of unfair or unreasonable treatment by provincial and local public authorities and provides general oversight of the administrative fairness of government processes under the Ombudsperson Act. The Ombudsperson conducts three types of investigations: investigations into individual complaints; investigations that are commenced on the Ombudsperson’s own initiative; and investigations referred to the Ombudsperson by the Legislative Assembly or one of its Committees.
The Ombudsperson has a broad mandate to investigate complaints involving provincial ministries; provincial boards and commissions; Crown corporations; local governments; health authorities; colleges and universities; schools and school boards; and self-regulating professions and occupations. A full list of authorities can be found in the Ombudsperson Act. The Office of the Ombudsperson responds to approximately 8,000 enquiries and complaints annually.
Under the Public Interest Disclosure Act the Ombudsperson investigates allegations of wrongdoing from public employees in or relating to a public body covered by the Act as well as allegations of reprisal.
Our Public Authority Consultation and Training team offers educational webinars, workshops and individual consultation with public organizations to support fairness and continuous improvement across the public sector.
For more information about the BC Office of the Ombudsperson and for copies of published reports, visit